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Enjoy the Entertainment When Staying at a Renaissance Festival Hotel

Entertainment is a major player at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival held each fall. Jousting is a major component. Jousting came out of the Middle battle preparations. Knights on the battlefield would try to unhorse their enemy with long staffs. To practice this, jousting became a training routine that quickly became a sport unto itself. When going to a Renaissance Fair, you will want to catch at least one jousting tournament. These equestrians are very skilled and they give the audience a great show. You will be well rested for the event if you stay at a Renaissance Fair hotel.

Dancing of different sorts offers fun for everyone. Dancing was as much a part of the Renaissance world as it is a part of the modern world. It was a time when folk dancing really came into its own. You can see demonstrations of all sorts of folk dancing at the RenFaire. Irish step dancing is a popular option with its roots back into the Middle Ages. You will also see May pole dances as well as other folk dance groups. These groups are usually a mix of professionals and amateur troops that do this for a living as well as for fun. You can enjoy it all when you stay at a Renaissance Fair hotel.

Singing is another entertainment option. Part of any Renaissance festival has to be the wide range of music you will hear. You will find strolling singers along with minstrels. You can catch some of the area’s best choirs performing throughout the festival. You will hear musicals styles that complement the festival’s current theme. It is a great way to sit down and take in the atmosphere when you are a bit tired. It also gives the musicians an appreciative audience. You need to stay at a Renaissance Fair hotel to get the full experience.

Magic, storytelling, and wild birds are other entertainment options. There is always something going on during the Festival. You can hear about tales of knights and ladies. After that, you might see the court jester perform some tricks for the amusement of the audience. Falcons are a part of any good Festival. You will see a taste of how life was back in the Renaissance. You can catch it all if you stay at a Renaissance Fair hotel.