• How To Make The Most Of Your Vacation

    You don’t want to go on a trip to relax and enjoy yourself only for you to get so bored that you can’t wait to get back home. Your vacation may end with you not having achieved what you intended or things may completely not go your way. Here are ...
  • Top 5 Short Amazing Tours in Congo

    If you’re in Congo on business or you just have a few days for visiting some of the attractions of this beautiful region, you should consider booking one of the short tours available. These tours are great for those who want to capture the essence of the Congolese culture and ...
  • How to Make Your Business Travel Easier

    “Wow, that sounds really cool. Have a great time!” That’s the kind of thing people who don’t travel for business say to those who do. If you’ve ever traveled for business, you know that it’s a lot of work. Fun? Not so much. You’re often ‘on’ for many hours in ...
  • The Secret That Airlines Will Not Reveal

    As a regular air traveller, I find myself acutely conscious of baggage limitations as I hate to hand over money on excess baggage charges. This has the benefit of traveling lightly. Lighter traveling goes much easier on the body, forces me to plan outfits prior to leaving home and do ...
  • An Art Focused Student Trip to New York City

    Desmond Cormier is an art teacher at the Buford Middle School in Charlottesville, Virginia. He has taught at the school for 16 years. Cormier lives at a nearby farmstead with his wife, Virginia, a sheep farmer. He became an educator after many years in an entirely different profession. “My first ...